Monday, June 25, 2007

Worth At Least a Thousand Words

I've got more to say about Father's Day, but it will have to wait a bit. In the meantime, if a picture is worth a thousand words, this one has to be worth at least five times that much.

This is William Faulkner's Underwood Universal portable typewriter, which resides in the Faulkner Museum in Oxford, MS.

Has anyone ever been to the museum? My wife's grandparents live there in Oxford, but our timing is always poor, and the museum always seems to be closed when we're there. I do have a picture of me and Mr. Faulkner's statue on the bench in the town square, though.

In any case, I always find pictures of typewriters inspirational (as in "inspiring me to sit down and write something"), and I hope this one might be to others as well. Perhaps this picture will inspire a thousand words.

Picture by Gary Bridgman,, who licensed this picture under (among other things) a Creative Commons 1.0 Attribution-ShareAlike license.

Updated with words in red so that Jeremy doesn't think I live in a museum.


Jeremy Weaver said...

Your wife's grandparents live at a museum? But they lock the doors whenever you come to town?

Neil said...

My wife's mother once locked me out of the house.

Matt Gumm said...

Well, I didn't want to say anything, but Night at the Museum...semi-biographical.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you like my photograph, The Faulkner Portable. I was very excited to learn recently that this photo was selected as the cover art for Cambridge University Press' The Cambridge Introduction to William Faulkner. (While the photo is cleared for free sharing on blog sites via Creative Commons, businesses still have to pay me for the right to publish it.)The other images I took that afternoon in Oxford are posted on my Flickr album. Thanks for posting it. Makes me feel like a big-shot.

Matt Gumm said...


Thanks for making it available, and congrats on the selection of that photo for the cover of a book. That must be thrilling!

BTW, I'm pretty sure Oxford Press trumps my blog any day of the week for the conveying of "bigshot" status. :)

I'll stop by later to check out the other pix. I love the city of Oxford.