Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Counting my blessings

This came across the Bible Study e-mail list today at work.

Since my last report, he has overcome a bout with pneumonia, started eating a few bites of baby food (hates green peas!) and is starting to breathe for several hours at a time without the support of the ventilator. He is receiving formula through a feeding tube directly into his intestines and has made a lot of progress tolerating that. He is now taking more than 1 ounce per hour which is roughly half "normal" nutrition and half chemical (IV) nutrition. We are starting to make plans for going home. As of now, the goal is to get him completely off the ventilator and possibly on full feeds. While we are hoping for home by his birthday in October, the first of the year is more realistic. He is 9 1/2 months old now and is wanting to be more active. He regularly receives all types of therapy and is learning to wave bye-bye, shakes his head "no" and nods "yes", and has even learned to throw an occasional fit. He is a delightful angel. I wish all of those following his progress could meet him. I hope one day that will happen.

My son is 12 weeks old today, and as I contrasted this with my own experience (I was frustrated with him for not taking all of his bottle, and for waking up too early), I'm filled with shame for not counting my blessings.

1 comment:

Even So... said...

Yep, I'm in that boat too often as well...

One thing I have learned, am learning, and will learn, Thank Him for what you HAVE before you ask Him for what you NEED.