Wednesday, July 27, 2005

New Website--Reformation 21 (from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals)

A new resource that I'm excited about is Reformation 21, a website that is the new online magazine for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. From what I've seen so far, it looks great.

Here are some highlights.

Editorial - intro to the new online magazine.

J. Ligon Duncan on the New Perspective of Paul - "NPP," as it is called, was my first introduction to both J. Ligon Duncan and ACE. He wrote a very readable introduction to NPP that was linked through (Monergism now has a whole section on NPP).

The Front Desk - this section has a 3-part discussion of the NPP, and promises a fourth based on reader questions (which may be the most useful for those who are unfamiliar with this growing movement within the church).

Reformation 21 Blog - Perhaps my favorite part so far--in the short time it has been in existence, it has identified some interesting and resources (blogs & books), and had some interesting discussions, which take the form of the contributing writers responding to each other (with the reader looking on).

Counterpoints - this section has articles from the contributors. If you've ever wondered if there will be a Starbucks in Heaven , or want to hear about a good kind of fundamentalism, go here.

Great resources, with the promise of a lot more to come. This will be one to watch.

Thanks to Peter Bogert (via a Blogspot from Phil Johnson) for bringing this to my attention.

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