Friday, September 30, 2005

My Good Friend Pix

Chris Pixley was kind enough not only to encourge me with some comments here, but also put some words on his blog, and I just wanted to say thanks. Lest you think this some sort of mutual admiration society, I must tell you that he is, to date, the man who has had the most influence on my spiritual life and ministry. To have kind words like that from someone you admire must be like what Timothy felt like when he got his letters from Paul (or what it felt like for him the day John MacArthur called him on his cell phone).

So thank you, Chris. And in honor of his blog's most excellent return, I'm finally getting around to adding an audio link section, with sermons from him as the one of the first links. Make sure you get Katrina and God's Common Grace before it moves off the page.

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